Saturday, November 9, 2013

Patient of Burlington Medical Clinic Lands on the Dr. Oz Show

Burlington - Kerry Rommens has a pretty unique adventure story on how she lost nearly 100 lbs. The patient of Wharton Medical Clinic in Burlington, ON, set out to improve her health and appearance only a couple of years ago.
She has more than achieved her goal. And today her weight loss journey story is now being shared with millions of people from across North America.
You see, this afternoon Rommens will appear on the Dr. Oz Show out of New York City where she will talk about her determination to lose weight.
The Dr. Oz Show airs locally on CTV out of the Big Apple.
“I decided that I would no longer be ‘fat and fifty’”, says Rommens during an interview this morning. “I had been fat my whole adult life. I was 185lbs when I married, and up from there with each of my two children.”
She attempted just about everything to get rid of her fat. From dieting to deprivation, nothing seemed to work effectively.
Then she heard about the Wharton Medical Clinic in downtown Burlington. The clinic is well known for specializing in weight loss and diabetes management. The clinic has many success stories from patients from all walks of life. The clinic is also free to use as it is OHIP funded.
The rest is history.
She went to see Dr. Sean Wharton, who ever since has guided her in helping her lose unwanted fat.
Rommens explains that the process of losing weight was actually all quite simple.
“Dr. Wharton informed me that I was a disorganized eater,” she says. Wow, that really resonated with me. I ate all of my calories, every day, between 1 pm and 7 pm. This all had to change.”
She followed Dr. Wharton’s program religiously, eating real food, planning meals and putting thought into every bite for a long-term change.
Within no time Rommens says her weight started coming off quickly. Within 18 months she had lost 75lbs and soon that turned out to be nearly 100lbs.
“Dr. Wharton gave me some great words of wisdom. He told me was that fat has a memory. Once you have that fat cell, it waits to be filled again. That scared me straight.”
Maintenance is a serious business, so she made sure to make the right food choices while getting exercise on a regular weekly plan.
Her 50th birthday was a joyous occasion. For the first time ever she wore a lovely fitted cocktail dress.
While she has frequently been attending sessions with Dr. Wharton, she knew she had to share her success story with others.  
She learned that the Dr. Oz Show was seeking to interview women who lost weight after the age of 40. Sure enough, she contacted the producers of the show and this afternoon she will be on the show sharing her weight loss success story.
“Arriving at the studio, I met 9 other women who had lost weight and our common histories instantly bonded us,” she says during a phone interview. “Dr. Oz is warm and genuine. For today’s show we all had to wear sports bras and yoga pants.”
“I never would have imagined wearing this on TV three years ago,” laughs Rommens.
She adds, “A bit like Cinderella, I am back in my work boots now and feeling pretty proud of myself.”
Dr. Wharton himself is extremely impressed with Rommens determination.
“She has a tremendous amount of inner strength,” says Dr. Wharton. “From the get-go, she was determined to lose weight, and keep it off. I am very proud of her."
“At the Wharton Medical Clinic, we have a unique mission in mind for all our patients. Essentially we focus on helping patients achieve their best weight and living healthier lifestyles when it comes to eating the right foods and being active.”

Read more: Digital Journal
By: Paul Fitzgerald


Friday, November 1, 2013

New Technology with Home Security Systems Keeps Homeowners Tuned In H2 Systems Inc. in Burlington offers expert advice on keeping security safe in hand

By Paul Fitzgerald, Special to the QMI Agency (story included in Sun Media – The Toronto Sun and The Edmonton Sun)

Mitch Spencer enjoys having an elaborate home security and surveillance system in the palm of his hand.

The Toronto resident has his home security and surveillance system on him at all times - morning, noon and night.

And it’s all done by his cellphone.

There’s no doubt about it, technology is an amazing thing nowadays.

Up early and in the driveway getting ready to leave for work in the city’s financial district, he arms his home security system from his cellphone.

Gone are the days of punching buttons on a keypad.

While at work or on business trips, he gets alerts when a door opens.

He can also monitor every entrance and room in his home through his trusty phone.

If he receives an alert of a door opening at an odd time of the day, he clicks on a simple button to obtain a high quality video clip with ‘zoom in and out options.’

“There is my brother dropping off complimentary Toronto Maple Leaf tickets,” says the 42 year-old while displaying the video on his phone.

And even when Spencer is at home, his security and surveillance system keeps him in tune of what’s going on at all times.

“I will admit it, I feel safer with new technology,” he says. “When I am work, or away, or at home, I have that extra added feeling of security on many levels.”

Clinton Howell, a well-known professional in home security and surveillance systems in Toronto and across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), says an increasing number of homeowners are installing home security systems and utilizing new technology as a means to keep their homes and communities safer.

“No community is 100% safe, but homeowners are being pro-active in protecting their properties and families by having home security and surveillance systems installed, reducing the risk of break-ins, says Howell, founder and owner of H2 Systems Inc in Burlington, ON.  

“The technology currently available in home security and surveillance systems is rather amazing. Motion sensors, infrared cameras and contact sensors have advanced to the point where people can monitor and control their security system through their iPhone and Smart Phones as well, giving them peace of mind 24/7,” he says. “Not only do security systems increase your comfort level about safety, but they also add value to your home.”

When it comes to surveillance, Howell suggests using Watchnet NVR (Network Video Recorder) and Watchnet DVR (Digital Video Recorder) as both offer full remote access with iPhone, iPad, and Android apps.

Watchnet, Arecont and Vivotek IP cameras are basic systems which he also highly recommends and which provide great quality and pricing. 

He also says that for burglary and safety the DSC Power Series is a great tool for safety and comfort.

“Just about every system out there can be integrated with motion and contact sensors and motion activated lights,” says Howell. “Whatever your needs are the technology is available and easy to use and monitor.”

There are many options when it comes to acquiring a security and surveillance system, according to Howell.

“Do some research and speak to a professional who can assist you in identifying what you need.”

“Everyone knows that home break-ins are a reality,” says Howell. “Using new technology that is easy to operate through a cellphone makes communities safer places to live.”

H2 Systems Inc. is a household name in Burlington and across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

This month they were nominated for the Business Excellence Award from the Burlington Chamber of Commerce.

And only a few weeks ago the popular home theatre and home integration company scooped the Gold Award for $101,000 to $150,000 in Best Technical Design, and the Bronze Award for $100,000 and under in Best Technical Design from CEDIA (The Custom Design & Installation Association). The Burlington company was presented with both awards in Denver, CO and the awards ceremony is considered to be the Oscars for those involved in the home theatre and home integration industry.

H2, which specializes in Home Theatre and Home Integration, is the next generation in the home theatre and home integration. H2 Systems Inc. has also won five CEDIA Electronic Lifestyle Awards in its past four years of operation; two in 2010; two in 2011; and one in 2012. The company is now a household name in Burlington, across Halton and the Greater Toronto Area.