Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Athletes using new mouthware technology are noticing a huge improvement in athletic performance

By Paul Fitzgerald 
Athletes always strive for the win in their sport of choice.
They are dedicated, and know their bodies well, and will try any natural solution out there that will help ensure they are top performers on the ice, field, and court, or at the gym, or in the ring.
Athletes will try new shoes, skates, gloves, and all sorts of trendy sports attire to get that extra-edge they need during game-time. However, what’s interesting is how so many of them are now embracing an innovative concept that has just entered the world of sports: performance mouthware technology.  
Athletes are quickly realizing the benefits of this innovative technology, and scores of them are finally understanding the limitations of cheaply made store-bought-mouthguards.
That’s right, performance mouthware technology is scripting a unique chapter in sports as we know it.
The reason for this stems from the fact that performance mouthware technology is far more different and unique compared to the run-of-the-mill mouthguards sold for only a few dollars at sporting-goods stores across the United States, Canada, and beyond.
Performance mouthware technology aligns one’s jaw, placing it in its optimal position, ensuring better improvement in strength, balance, range of motion, flexibility, and even oxygen flow. It’s proven that when your jaw is properly aligned, your body will perform better. And what athletes really like with this new technology is that it also offers protection in contact sports, like hockey, football, and boxing.
There is also lots of scientific research to back up this claim.
Recent studies conducted by Rutgers University and the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, to name a couple, clearly demonstrate the benefits athletes experience when utilizing performance mouthware technology.
These two institutions compared neuromuscular force and power production in athletes wearing performance mouthware to over-the-counter-boil-and-bite-guards, and no guards at all.
The results are simply incredible!
Athletes using performance mouthware technology experienced better improvement in bench throw and power, and plyo press power quotient (3PQ), and athletes even had a higher rate of power development in their vertical jumps. Additionally, the men and women who were observed also showed improved performance with upper body loaded power exercises, and there were no compromises with other performance measures.
Other ground-breaking studies released have also shown that golfers wearing performance mouthware technology experienced better club speeds and driving distances. As well, studies have also clearly demonstrated that this new technology greatly reduces muscle fatigue, soreness, injuries, and post-op soreness.
But wait, the science behind mouthware technology gets even more interesting.
First, the technology is praised for stabilizing one’s bite, which in turn enhances body alignment and boosts performance. Second, this tech also offers protection, helping athletes avoid common injuries. Third, this technology also tricks the body into thinking it has the right bite, giving any athlete – professionals and amateurs alike – that quick rush of youthful energy.
So, will you get these same results with traditional mouthguards? No chance!
Traditional mouthguards only offer protection – that’s all they do. In fact, regular mouthguards actually cause damage to an athlete’s body and greatly diminishes performance. Since they do not stabilize the “bite” properly, the jaw instantly becomes unstable and this tires the body and has long-term consequences on an athlete’s overall health.
If you ever hear of someone who says that a traditional mouthguard gives them better performance, be careful, this is just purely “placebo effect” talk.
Mouthware technology is being ushered into every sport out there simply because it works and gives athletes many positive results.
If you are on the hunt for the right kind of mouthware technology, then check out New Age Performance Inc. This company offers all sorts of cutting-edge mouthguards and mouthpieces that will take your game to the next level.
If you want to win, then embrace this new technology. Your body will thank you for it and the competition will remain envious.


The handcuffs come off this fall for licensed security workers
By Katherine Baker 
A new app that is set to officially launch in the fall is causing a huge wave of controversy.
Meet Numze – the new disruption in the security industry that will allow any organization to hire licensed security guards with the touch of a finger.
This “Uber-like” app is innovative and will allow businesses to call on security guards as needed. At the same time, the app will allow licensed security guards to pick-up shifts that suit their schedules.
The developers of this technology are Paul Carson, a well-known security expert based in Toronto, and Ron Hazell, who is also a security expert. Their team at Canadian Protection Services have spent the last year developing the app and have obtained feedback from test audiences: security experts and licensed security personnel, as well as influencers and decision-makers from a large number of industries.
The app is currently in the beta-testing phase in Toronto and in select cities across Southern Ontario. Later this year the app will be launched across Canada and then internationally.
The app, which is a first-of-its-kind globally, hasn’t even officially hit the market and yet it is already turning the security world upside down.
“The security guard industry has remained stale for so many years – nothing really much has changed,” says Carson, who has over 30 years of experience in the industry. “Numze is now a big disruption simply because it will dramatically alter how organizations hire security guards, and it will also offer licensed security guards the freedom and flexibility to work when they want.”
Numze is a new app that will go live this fall. If you are looking for security guard work, or want to hire security guards, then you will want to have this app on your smartphone! 

He adds, “Numze marks a new era in security guarding, thanks to our new app. Simply put, it’s a real game-changer for our industry.”
There is no app like it on the market and it’s so easy to use. Numze will know users’ locations, so when a client inputs a requirement for security, the system is smart enough to determine the closest available security guards. It will send a request out to the guards asking if they are willing to pick up a shift. Each security guard has the option to press “accept” or “decline” on the app. The app will continue to source out available guards until the shift is filled.
The app will include stringent background checks, and freelance security guards who are “no-shows” will automatically be banned from using the app. As the shift nears starting, the client will have the ability to directly text the guards who accepted the shift and ask how far away they are from the site. The app opens up a portal of communication between the guard and the client that has never been available in the past.
“Numze was born from the notion that fundamentally we as an industry have created artificial barriers for ourselves in terms of scheduling, availability and flexibility,” explains Carson. “Numze will now provide choices, options and more importantly flexibility to our people that has never been available before – all through an app that is truly mind-blowingly simple in its approach.”
“Pay is also a big factor in our industry and Numze solves that piece of the puzzle with less moving parts,” says Carson. “Our app offers a more streamlined administrative process and better operational deployment methodology, and provides exceptional value for clients and security guards, which has never before been achieved in the history of this industry. So, we have been able to drive process improvement through innovations without creating gaps in the overall positioning model.”
Carson adds, “The freedom and flexibility to work when you want is really incredible and brings massive change in how we implement our assets – that’s what Numze brings to the table.”

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


By Karen Fitzgerald 
The hot temps have kicked in and this is the time of year where many of us are more active outdoors and at the gym.
It’s doesn’t matter what your sport of choice is during the summer months – tennis, basketball, cycling, jogging, walking, swimming, and soccer, or lifting iron – getting exercise is fantastic for your health.
It is proven that exercise is great for your muscles and bones, helps with weight loss, and will increase your energy levels. As well, exercise also makes you feel happier, and reduces the risk of chronic disease.
For those of you who have that competitive edge, then you also know how important it is to win and achieve greatness. The good news for the “die-hards” is that there is new technology on the market that will take your game to a whole new level.
Meet mouthware technology – a new concept in the sports world that will help any athlete perform better on the court, baseball diamond, and while doing laps in the pool, or peddling up steep hills. This new tech is also ideal for those who want to stay on the field longer and score more points, or walk longer distances, or lift more weights at the local gym.
Mouthware technology is truly amazing as it protects the teeth and stabilizes one’s bite, according to athletes who are utilizing these new innovative devices.
Keep in mind that mouthware technology offers a far more unique and beneficial experience than the traditional mouthguards sold at sporting-goods stores.
So, what’s the difference between the two?
Well, it is all very simple: run-of-the-mill-mouthguards only protect your teeth, while mouthware devices actually align your jaw and provide protection. It is proven that when your jaw is aligned, your strength, balance, flexibility, range of motion and even oxygen flow is all greatly improved.
What most people don’t understand with traditional mouthguards is they actually will cause damage to your body. Since they do not not stabilize your bite properly, your lower jaw instantly becomes unstable and this actually wreaks havoc on your body, and has long term consequences on your health.
What’s really amazing with mouthware technology is that it gives you the correct bite, and according to science that stabilization enhances body alignment, and reduces injuries and post-op-soreness.
Scores of athletes are now “biting” on new mouthware technology being offered by New Age Performance Inc., and they are hailing their mouthguards and mouthpieces as the best on the market.
New Age’s devices give an athlete the best in bite stabilization, which in turn relaxes the jaw and saves one from losing teeth or having them badly damaged. Also, since most athletes have TMJ issues, this technology is perfect as better jaw alignment means better performance!
What’s also really awesome with this new technology is that it actually tricks the body in to thinking it has the right bite, and will give anyone that extra-boost of energy they need.
So, all you need to do is purchase mouthware technology, and place it over your teeth, and in a matter of seconds you will feel almost like a young athlete all over again.
If you want protection only, then keep using traditional mouthguards. But if you want better protection and improved performance, and are in-it-to-win-it, then pop in mouthware technology and take your game to a whole new level.
You will notice a big difference when using mouthware technology… and so will your competition.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


By Brandon Thring

Contact sports – football, hockey, boxing, and basketball – are all exciting to watch.

As sports fans we deeply enjoy the energy, excitement and suspense of each game that we watch on our flat-screen TVs, mobile devices, or live in-person for that matter. That’s right – sports are just about everyone’s favorite thing to check-out, especially when the “home” team is in on the action.

What’s interesting with contact sports however is how the fans and media alike are now taking specific notice of all the star athletes chewing on their mouthguards.

A case in point was during the recent NBA final playoff-series between the Toronto Raptors and the Golden State Warriors. Millions of basketball fans from across the USA, Canada, and around the world tuned in night-after-night to watch the finals, and on game-six the championship title made its way North for the first time in NBA history.

While fans were mesmerized with all the slick maneuvering on the court and in awe with all the amazing three-pointers, they also questioned why players from both teams – Kawhi Leonard, Kyle Lowry and, of course, Steph Curry, to name a few – were gnawing on their mouthguards like carrots.

So why do professional athletes chew on their mouthguards?

The answer is very simple: when athletes use them their bodies are actually trying to find the right “bite,” making their jaw move around repeatedly. Traditional mouthguards only offer protection and the scary thing is that they actually prevent a player from performing better. The more one’s jaw seeks the correct “bite,” the more they get tired, and this results in poor performance and even injuries of sorts.

This is why athletes who play contact and non-contact sports are now are turning their attention to performance mouthware technology.

Performance mouthware technology is a new concept and produces amazing results for amateurs and professionals. This new tech on the market corrects an athlete’s “bite,” placing the jaw in its optimal position, allowing athletes to experience improved performance. It is scientifically proven that when one’s jaw is properly aligned their strength, balance, flexibility, range of motion, and oxygen flow is all greatly improved.

Many athletes have TMJ issues and this is why many are trying out performance mouthware technology, which both protects the teeth and aligns the jaw. That’s right – better alignment of the jaw means better performance. What’s even more amazing is that when you utilize these innovative devices, you will not only notice improvement in your game, but you will also experience less injuries, and post-op soreness.

All you need to do is place a small piece of plastic over your teeth and your face will be more relaxed, balancing your bite and temporomandibular joints. Athletes spend years mastering their game and now with the aid of performance mouthware they can instantly achieve greatness – in a matter of seconds in fact!

What’s also really neat is that when you pop this new technology in your mouth, it actually tricks your body into thinking it has the right “bite,” and gives you that extra boost of energy. You will feel like you are high school again.

Professional athletes are hailing performance mouthware as the new “fountain of youth.”  Traditional mouthguards only offer protection, while new performance mouthware technology offers both protection and improved performance.

Instead of spending a few dollars on a run-of-the-mill mouthguard, then why not spend it on performance mouthware?

New Age Performance Inc. is one company offering many innovative mouthguards and mouthpieces for amateur and professional athletes – all of which are affordable and comfortable.

Athletes chewing on their mouthguards will soon be a thing of the past as many are starting to embrace performance mouthware technology.

If you are in it for the win, then check out new performance mouthware. You will be glad you did and so will sports fans!