Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Athletes using new mouthware technology are noticing a huge improvement in athletic performance

By Paul Fitzgerald 
Athletes always strive for the win in their sport of choice.
They are dedicated, and know their bodies well, and will try any natural solution out there that will help ensure they are top performers on the ice, field, and court, or at the gym, or in the ring.
Athletes will try new shoes, skates, gloves, and all sorts of trendy sports attire to get that extra-edge they need during game-time. However, what’s interesting is how so many of them are now embracing an innovative concept that has just entered the world of sports: performance mouthware technology.  
Athletes are quickly realizing the benefits of this innovative technology, and scores of them are finally understanding the limitations of cheaply made store-bought-mouthguards.
That’s right, performance mouthware technology is scripting a unique chapter in sports as we know it.
The reason for this stems from the fact that performance mouthware technology is far more different and unique compared to the run-of-the-mill mouthguards sold for only a few dollars at sporting-goods stores across the United States, Canada, and beyond.
Performance mouthware technology aligns one’s jaw, placing it in its optimal position, ensuring better improvement in strength, balance, range of motion, flexibility, and even oxygen flow. It’s proven that when your jaw is properly aligned, your body will perform better. And what athletes really like with this new technology is that it also offers protection in contact sports, like hockey, football, and boxing.
There is also lots of scientific research to back up this claim.
Recent studies conducted by Rutgers University and the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, to name a couple, clearly demonstrate the benefits athletes experience when utilizing performance mouthware technology.
These two institutions compared neuromuscular force and power production in athletes wearing performance mouthware to over-the-counter-boil-and-bite-guards, and no guards at all.
The results are simply incredible!
Athletes using performance mouthware technology experienced better improvement in bench throw and power, and plyo press power quotient (3PQ), and athletes even had a higher rate of power development in their vertical jumps. Additionally, the men and women who were observed also showed improved performance with upper body loaded power exercises, and there were no compromises with other performance measures.
Other ground-breaking studies released have also shown that golfers wearing performance mouthware technology experienced better club speeds and driving distances. As well, studies have also clearly demonstrated that this new technology greatly reduces muscle fatigue, soreness, injuries, and post-op soreness.
But wait, the science behind mouthware technology gets even more interesting.
First, the technology is praised for stabilizing one’s bite, which in turn enhances body alignment and boosts performance. Second, this tech also offers protection, helping athletes avoid common injuries. Third, this technology also tricks the body into thinking it has the right bite, giving any athlete – professionals and amateurs alike – that quick rush of youthful energy.
So, will you get these same results with traditional mouthguards? No chance!
Traditional mouthguards only offer protection – that’s all they do. In fact, regular mouthguards actually cause damage to an athlete’s body and greatly diminishes performance. Since they do not stabilize the “bite” properly, the jaw instantly becomes unstable and this tires the body and has long-term consequences on an athlete’s overall health.
If you ever hear of someone who says that a traditional mouthguard gives them better performance, be careful, this is just purely “placebo effect” talk.
Mouthware technology is being ushered into every sport out there simply because it works and gives athletes many positive results.
If you are on the hunt for the right kind of mouthware technology, then check out New Age Performance Inc. This company offers all sorts of cutting-edge mouthguards and mouthpieces that will take your game to the next level.
If you want to win, then embrace this new technology. Your body will thank you for it and the competition will remain envious.

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