Monday, January 13, 2020

Fitness trainer’s teeth still intact following serious injury at the gym, thanks to new mouthware technology

Zack Gordon still can’t believe that he has a full set of teeth after experiencing an awful injury at the gym.
The popular fitness trainer at Anytime Fitness in Cullman, Alabama, passed out on the last set of deadlifts during his Monday night workout routine. The accident made for a rowdy night at the fitness club and left him with a jammed-up jaw, stitched-up chin, and he’s also still in pain. 
The good news however is that he’s back training athletes and doesn’t have to worry about a hefty dental bill, thanks to a new and innovative mouthpiece he was wearing at the time. 
You see, Gordon is using cutting-edge technology offered by New Age Performance Inc.  According to scores of athletes, the company’s mouthpieces and mouthguards are the best on the market as they are durable, comfortable, and stylish. Even better, what athletes really like with this tech is that it protects the teeth and stabilizes the bite.
“Well, I passed out on my last set of deadlifts,” recalls Gordon. “I messed up my jaw good and had x-rays done. I got a handful of stitches in the ‘ole’ chin and lost a little beard. The nurses also told me that if I wasn’t wearing the mouthpiece, I might have lost some of my teeth. I am still a bit sore, but back at the gym training hard.”
Above is a video of Zack Gordon taking a fall at Anytime Fitness. According to nurses at the local hospital, his teeth were saved since he was wearing New Age’s mouthpiece technology.

Gordon has been using the mouthpiece for the last several months and likes the fact that it is helping amp up his athletic performance. 
New Age’s tech is based on a simple and yet explosively effective concept: jaw alignment, which helps anyone run faster, jump higher, lift more and workout longer. It is scientifically proven that when the jaw is placed in its optimal position, strength, balance, flexibility, range of motion and oxygen flow is greatly improved. The tech also relaxes the jaw and saves one from losing their teeth or having them badly damaged. What’s also really amazing with mouthware technology is that it reduces injuries and post-op-soreness since it helps place the body in better form. 
“My New Age mouthpiece really helped me in a huge way on the night of my accident at the gym,” says Gordon. “I am so glad I was wearing it and I am very happy that it protected my teeth and my pocketbook too.”
If you want to experience better performance and protect your teeth at the same time, then now you should really ‘bite’ on this new technology. 
Order your New Age mouthpiece today. You will be glad you did! 

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