Monday, April 29, 2019

Jump higher with new performance mouthware

By Katherine Baker

The NBA playoffs are always an exciting time as each team is vying to win a playoff round and make it to the national championship. 

The action on the court during each match-up is full of energy, suspense, and glory. 

However, what’s really interesting is that if some of the professional basketball players actually increased their vertical leap by two-inches, then they would probably be dunking more baskets. 

The game of basketball boils down to missed opportunities, and missing a basket due to a loss of not jumping higher could be critical for the win. In basketball every second, every shot, and every jump counts. 

And the pros have yet to really discover a new product that can help increase their vertical leap! No, this is not about the expensive sneakers or the bounce of an athlete’s jump that is going to accomplish this result, but rather it’s a simple piece of plastic that basketball players should be using between their teeth. 

Most professional basketball players have a condition known as forward head posture, which is a slight-forward-positioning of the head, past their spine. This limits the potential of a stunning vertical leap. 

In 2010, Rutgers University conducted a study on the effects of a neuromuscular mouthguard on performance. One finding that was discovered is that this type of mouthguard can increase a basketball player’s leap by two-inches. 

The explanation is very simple: every time professional basketball players clench or grind their teeth, they lose enamel, which in turn reduces the vertical dimension of their jaws, resulting in forward head posture. 

The New Age Performance Inc. offers a variety of mouthpieces and mouthguards which will greatly help a basketball player jump higher and score more “two” and “three-pointers,” even “free-throws.”

The mouthware this company has developed actually replaces the lost enamel and actually fools the body into thinking it has the perfect bite.  This is amazing news for the die-hards on the court as New Age’s performance mouthware reduces forward head posture and aligns the body perfectly, which will give any player that extra-edge while making an increased vertical leap. 

So, why are basketball players in the dark about this secret? First, performance mouthware is a revolutionary new concept that has yet to be discovered and embraced by coaches and trainers alike. Second, so many people are still resorting to the cheaply-made traditional mouthguards that offer protection but lack on the performance front. 

The fact of the matter is that a regular mouthguard reduces a vertical leap and forces a basketball player to work harder and assume extra energy that could be used for a dunk or a great three-point shot from anywhere in the pocket. 

Regular mouthguards do not offer the bite component, which means that your lower jaw slides everywhere to find that comfortable position and this consumes energy on the body and hugely diminishes performance on the court. 

If you are a basketball player, then you don’t need sporty sneakers with four-inch padding to increase your vertical leap. All you need is performance mouthware from New Age Performance Inc. You need the right bite to jump higher and to better maneuver around the court. 

Once you have the right bite, then you are in better form to win.

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