Wednesday, May 8, 2019


By Richard Henson 

A noble profession and one that all of us appreciate is firefighters.

They have a very risky occupation that involves putting out serious fires and saving people’s lives in the process. That’s right – the job is certainly no-walk-in-the-park.

A firefighters’ job is demanding, both physically and mentally, and it also entails rigorous training. They climb ladders and stairs while wearing heavy gear, and let’s not forget about the massive weight of those hoses they carry to douse out flames and smoke.

Day-in and day-out firefighters put their bodies to the test on every level. It’s an intense career, taxing in every sense, and it’s no secret that just about every firefighter in the ‘line of duty’ constantly clenches and grinds their teeth.

This is why our men and women need to be utilizing new performance mouthware that will better enable to them to perform their heroic acts.

However, we are not talking about a regular mouthpiece that you can purchase at a sports store or a box store. Instead, firefighters need to be wearing a specifically designed performance mouthpiece that relaxes their lower jaw, bringing it down and forward, and correcting their bite.

It is scientifically proven that when one has a more relaxed jaw, they have a better bite, which in turn helps align the body and makes all the muscles work in sync and harmony. Simply put, a proper bite increases strength, balance, range of motion, and better oxygen flow to the body.

Traditional mouthpieces on the market definitely won’t do a firefighter any justice whatsoever.

These products are made to protect your teeth and they don’t offer any benefits on the performance front. As a matter of fact, if a firefighter were to wear a protective mouthpiece, it would actually diminish their performance on the job. These cheaply-made products don’t even come close to improving your physical ability as a firefighter, nor as an athlete for that matter. They cause your lower jaw to slide to find that right bite position, which consumes more energy on the body and hampers overall performance.

A performance mouthpiece, like the ones offered by New Age Performance Inc., actually tricks the body into thinking it has the correct bite and improves one’s performance.

So if performance mouthware really works, then why are firefighters so slow to adopt this new technology? Well, first off, performance mouthware is new to the market and firefighters still need time to embrace this new technological phenomenon. Also, everyone is still sold on buying traditional mouthpieces that offer zero benefits for the body; however this will all change soon.

When you utilize New Age’s products, you will experience increased strength, and those hoses will feel like they have less weight, and the many flights of stairs will be easier to climb. Even better, having the correct bite will also help ensure a decrease in post-op muscle soreness.

There is only one patent protected product in the world that provides these benefits, that being mouthware developed by New Age.

All a firefighter needs to do is clench on a simple piece of plastic and they will be able to put out those fires with a little more ease.

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