Sunday, August 25, 2019

The rise of performance based mouthware in the world of fitness

By Richard Pace 
Tech in the fitness world continues to evolve and there are many gadgets and devices that come and go. However, while performance mouthpiece technology is new on the market, athletes using it swear that it will be around forever.
Mouthpiece tech is now all the chatter at gyms and fitness studios across the USA, Canada, and beyond, as these devices are proving highly beneficial on the performance front for athletes – amateurs and professionals alike.
That’s right – fitness fanatics who enjoy walking, jogging, yoga, weightlifting, stretching, and even high-intensity training, are noticing a huge difference once they bite on this new technology.
This new tech helps align your jaw, placing it in its optimal position. It is scientifically proven that when you have the right bite, your body performs better. Proper jaw alignment greatly improves strength, balance, flexibility, range of motion and even oxygen flow, according to scientific research and scores of athletes.
What’s even more fascinating with this new tech is that it will give you a big boost of energy once you place it on your lower jaw, allowing you to run faster, jump higher, and even lift more weights at the local gym. You will also notice a big improvement in balance and will be better able to exercise for longer periods of time.
Performance mouthware technology was first introduced on the market about 10 years ago, and has advanced in so many ways.
When first launched, most mouthpieces were expensive to buy and were only offered by dentists. Many of them were also bulky and uncomfortable to wear.
Over the years however mouthware companies began discovering new ways to make these devices highly effective and affordable.
There are many companies offering this technology, but the most popular one is New Age Performance Mouthware – and their products boast pure quality and durability.
Athletes are discovering the big difference between mouthpiece technology to the boil-and-bite guards sold at sporting goods stores. Traditional mouthguards only offer protection and that’s it; while mouthware tech offers protection and better performance.
Now when you pop this tech in your mouth, you won’t turn into a superhero in seconds. However, what a performance mouthpiece does when you place it over your lower teeth (or upper teeth for contact sports) is that it aligns the jaw and gives you faster force-power instantly. This helps in all sorts of scenarios, like when cycling up a steep hill, or getting a few more reps when you weight train, or doing more laps at the pool.
This new tech is also impressive since it helps open the airways, prevents teeth clenching and places the jaw in its right position. Having more air is good for the body and muscles, and having the right bite significantly reduces stress on the body. So, a more relaxed jaw puts the body in better form and in turn gives anyone that extra-advantage they desire during workouts.
If you are into fitness, then performance mouthpiece technology is a must to try out. One thing is definitely certain: you will use it for a long, long time, and you will also be telling everyone you exercise with that they need it too!
Fitness buffs already enjoy this new tech, and so will you.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

You never knew how the alignment of the jaw can directly impact your workouts

By Yonas Toth 
When it comes to amplifying exercise performance, the truth is that there are only a handful of things that can help you do that.  One latest piece of sports & fitness tech that’s hot on the market right now is ‘performance mouthpiece’ technology.
Without making a whole lot of noisy claims, like most do, this mouthpiece tech helps boost your performance at almost anything fitness. Right from Stretching, Jogging, Walking, Weightlifting, Yoga, Pilates to High-Intensity Training workouts, this tech walks-the-talk. Performance mouthware is catching on in a big way these days as athletes – amateurs and professionals alike – enjoy getting that extra-boost energy that adds to their efforts in the gym.
This cutting-edge technology aligns your jaw, and helps you generate the right “bite.” It is proven that when the human jaw is in its optimal position, strength, balance, flexibility, range of motion and oxygen flow is all greatly improved.
It’s Simple. It’s Science. And It Works.
The best part about the New Age Performance mouthpiece is the fact that it doesn’t make any hard-to-believe claims. You will not become He-Man upon using it and nor you would smash through the walls like The Hulk. What the mouthpiece does once you place it over your lower teeth (or upper teeth for contact sports), is that it aligns the jaw in such a manner that you can generate more force than what you usually do. This helps in getting in a couple more reps while you weight train, balance yourself well while dancing, thrust the peddles harder while you cycle and push yourself harder while doing CrossFit, etc. Simply because force generation applies to all types of fitness activities, the mouthpiece can be used for virtually anything that’s fitness related.
Years of scientific research also highlights that this tech opens-up the airways, prevents teeth clenching, and aligns the jaw. Taking in more air helps the muscles work in sync, and a more relaxed jaw decreases the stress on the body. In short – a more relaxed jaw relaxes the body and in turn offers positive results on the performance front.
Additionally, research proves that those who utilize this tech can run faster and longer, lift more weights, and even jump higher. Even golfers rave about it as it helps them smash longer drives off the tee.
Athletes using New Age Performance Mouthware contend that this new tech is a “must-have” for the gym and in any sport. They really like the fact that their performance greatly improves and how it significantly reduces muscle fatigue, soreness, injuries, and post-op soreness.
What’s interesting now is how athletes are noticing the big difference between boil-and-bite-guards and performance mouthware technology. Traditional mouthguards only offer protection – that’s it. Mouthware tech however offers protection and enhances one’s physical ability on the ice, field, court, and at the gym. Now that’s a good deal!
Sure, there are many companies out there who are offering new mouthware technology. However, the one that stands out of the crowd is New Age Performance Mouthware. Right from the Strongest Man in The World, Brian Shaw, to top notch Canadian and US athletes swear by their product.
So, give performance mouthware a try – your body will be glad you did.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

No Matter What Your Workout Is, This Mouthware Will Help You Perform Better

By Glen Miles 
The gym is a great place to get exercise and tone-up your body, especially during the summer months with the extreme heat. Being indoors at this time of the year lets you work-up a great sweat and allows you to work out for longer periods of time.
If you are a fitness fanatic, or a professional athlete, then you know all about the benefits of exercising at the local gym. It helps with weight loss, it’s good for the muscles and bones, and helps boost energy levels. What’s even better is that daily exercise helps improve sleep quality and skin health, and greatly reduces stress and chronic disease.
If you are a beginner, an intermediate or a professional who wants to take your workouts to a whole new level, there is new science-backed technology on the market that you must check-out.
Meet New Age Performance Mouthware – a cutting-edge-piece of technology that aligns one’s jaw and places it in its optimal position. It is scientifically proven that the right “bite” during a workout enhances strength, balance, flexibility, range of motion, and oxygen flow.
All you need to do is pop this tech in your mouth, fit it properly onto your jaw and get to work. What you are bound to feel is better jaw alignment, which immediately leads to a burst of energy that will allow you to lift heavier weights, run with a better stride and balance without much effort.   
The beauty of this this product is that it isn’t only for the die-hard gym heads. Right from Zumba, CrossFit, spinning, calisthenics, ballet to track and field and general weight training, this technology applies to all aspects of physical training. In short – it’s for everybody who loves physical activity and wants to perform better.   
The mouthware works by placing your jaw in a very comfortable position, generating a smooth flow of energy and balance throughout the workout.
Scientific studies also prove that performance mouthware technology helps athletes jump higher, run faster, and lift heavier weights. To break this down – it enhances their overall performance. Even the golfers who enjoy “hitting the links” are noticing a big improvement in their club speeds and driving distances while using it. To top things off, performance mouthware technology greatly reduces the amount of energy wasted while working out.
Performance mouthware obviously has many benefits and this is why athletes – amateur and professionals alike – are ditching the run-of-the-mill-mouthguards for this precise piece of sports tech.
Traditional mouthguards are cheap and only offer protection for athletes in contact sports, and they are certainly not welcomed at the gym.
Athletes are realizing that regular mouthguards cause stress on the body and how they diminish performance. They do not stabilize the jaw at all, and this tires the body and has many negative health effects on one’s body, both short-term and long-term.
So, if you want to train smarter at the gym, give New Age Performance’s mouthware a shot and feel the difference.