Monday, April 29, 2019

Jump higher with new performance mouthware

By Katherine Baker

The NBA playoffs are always an exciting time as each team is vying to win a playoff round and make it to the national championship. 

The action on the court during each match-up is full of energy, suspense, and glory. 

However, what’s really interesting is that if some of the professional basketball players actually increased their vertical leap by two-inches, then they would probably be dunking more baskets. 

The game of basketball boils down to missed opportunities, and missing a basket due to a loss of not jumping higher could be critical for the win. In basketball every second, every shot, and every jump counts. 

And the pros have yet to really discover a new product that can help increase their vertical leap! No, this is not about the expensive sneakers or the bounce of an athlete’s jump that is going to accomplish this result, but rather it’s a simple piece of plastic that basketball players should be using between their teeth. 

Most professional basketball players have a condition known as forward head posture, which is a slight-forward-positioning of the head, past their spine. This limits the potential of a stunning vertical leap. 

In 2010, Rutgers University conducted a study on the effects of a neuromuscular mouthguard on performance. One finding that was discovered is that this type of mouthguard can increase a basketball player’s leap by two-inches. 

The explanation is very simple: every time professional basketball players clench or grind their teeth, they lose enamel, which in turn reduces the vertical dimension of their jaws, resulting in forward head posture. 

The New Age Performance Inc. offers a variety of mouthpieces and mouthguards which will greatly help a basketball player jump higher and score more “two” and “three-pointers,” even “free-throws.”

The mouthware this company has developed actually replaces the lost enamel and actually fools the body into thinking it has the perfect bite.  This is amazing news for the die-hards on the court as New Age’s performance mouthware reduces forward head posture and aligns the body perfectly, which will give any player that extra-edge while making an increased vertical leap. 

So, why are basketball players in the dark about this secret? First, performance mouthware is a revolutionary new concept that has yet to be discovered and embraced by coaches and trainers alike. Second, so many people are still resorting to the cheaply-made traditional mouthguards that offer protection but lack on the performance front. 

The fact of the matter is that a regular mouthguard reduces a vertical leap and forces a basketball player to work harder and assume extra energy that could be used for a dunk or a great three-point shot from anywhere in the pocket. 

Regular mouthguards do not offer the bite component, which means that your lower jaw slides everywhere to find that comfortable position and this consumes energy on the body and hugely diminishes performance on the court. 

If you are a basketball player, then you don’t need sporty sneakers with four-inch padding to increase your vertical leap. All you need is performance mouthware from New Age Performance Inc. You need the right bite to jump higher and to better maneuver around the court. 

Once you have the right bite, then you are in better form to win.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Improve your yoga poses with new mouthware technology

By Tiffany Parklyn 
Yoga is more popular than ever among men and women of all ages.
Recent studies report that nearly 9 percent of adults in the United States (that’s 20.4 million people) now practice yoga.
The reason yoga is a growing trend stems directly from the fact that it helps reduce stress and anxiety and puts the mind at ease. People also enjoy practicing yoga poses as it targets specific muscles, which helps them increase their flexibility and reduces the risk of injury in other sports and daily activities.
However, most yoga instructors and teachers alike have yet to explore a valuable tool that is available to them.
That’s right – the beginning point of any relaxation is in the lower jaw. When the lower jaw is relaxed, the entire body de-stresses itself; it’s just like your very own natural opioid. 
Unfortunately, when you begin taking yoga, this concept is rarely talked about since yoga masters want you to learn how to breathe properly and become more flexible with your own body.
But it is a known fact that when the lower jaw comes down and forward, your windpipe opens a few centimeters, allowing you to breathe so much better. It is also widely known that when your body is properly aligned, you will greatly increase your overall flexibility.
If yoga masters started teaching these two simple concepts, then their students would quickly gain a tremendous level of confidence.
The mystery and magic behind the powers of the lower jaw however has been solved with a performance mouthpiece. This mouthpiece goes over your lower teeth, and satisfies that criteria of relaxing and aligning your jaw.
Now yoga students can breathe better and increase their flexibility instantly, thanks to new mouthware technology. Yoga masters spend months trying to achieve this, and now they and their students can perform yoga better in a matter of seconds when using a simple and effective mouthpiece.
So, how exactly does a performance mouthpiece work and how will it help you better practice yoga?
The performance mouthpiece fools the body in thinking you have the perfect bite, and when this occurs the body immediately aligns, resulting in a surge of improved flexibility. This means that you could experience touching your toes for the first time, or do yoga exercises that you have never been able to do before.
It all boils down to the proper bite! The results one achieves when using a performance mouthpiece is backed by nearly 50 years of scientific research involving lower jaw movements and body alignment. When wearing a performance mouthpiece your lower jaw will go into automatic mode, helping improve your overall strength, range of motion, breathing and flexibility.
So, if you are practicing yoga or are considering getting into it, then you should really try the new mouthware technology that New Age Performance Inc. offers athletes. Sure, you will join the millions of others who are into yoga, but you will accelerate a much faster rate than your classmates.
There is no greater feeling than being relaxed and flexible instantly!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

How new performance mouthware will help prevent neck pain caused from cycling

By Mark Gibbons

Most neck pain from cycling is muscle stiffness or soreness from sitting in an awkward position for a long period of time.

When you ride a road-bike, your head is normally tipped upward, which will aggravate arthritis in the neck, even form pinched nerves, and also contribute to spinal stenosis.

A more serious condition is referred to as “Shermer’s Neck,” in which the neck muscles fail from fatigue and can no longer support the head. This condition is not gradual either: after feeling the first symptoms, the neck usually stops functioning within two hours, or so. This is scary! Just ask many of the professional cyclists on the Tour de France over the years, which have experienced this first-hand and why so many of them have ended up at the end of the pack, or have dropped out of the race early.  
However, several years ago in Kingston, ON, a cyclist discovered a product that reduced or even eliminated the effects of “Shermer’s Neck.” Today, other cyclists are now utilizing this new technology that reduces forward head posture, making the sport more enjoyable.

This simple device is placed over your lower teeth and which relaxes the muscles of your face, balancing your bite and temporomandibular joints (TMJ). The end result: a cyclist’s neck would therefore be set in a favorable position, reducing or eliminating neck pain altogether.
So, what is the mechanism behind this product?

It’s a performance mouthpiece, and it sets the lower jaw in position, which aligns your body and reduces forward head posture. One of the variables or causes of neck pain is normally caused by poor posture and the performance mouthpiece serves as an effective solution for cyclists. That’s right – no more pain and lots more gain!

Who would ever have thought that a simple accessory offered by New Age Performance Inc. could be so revolutionary in cycling? This is why so many amateur and professional cyclists are now demanding that the performance mouthpieces developed by New Age should be just as mandatory as helmets are during training and races.

When you utilize performance mouthware, you will have less post-op-soreness and you will be able to continue biking with ease, even the very next day.

Many people think that a performance mouthpiece is just like a traditional mouthguard. However, this is not the case at all. Regular mouthguards sold in box-stores and sports-stores at cheap prices only serve to protect your teeth, while performance mouthpieces actually align your body, improving your overall balance, strength, agility and range of motion.

Over the years many athletes have scoffed at the theory behind performance mouthpieces. But once they try them, they are sold on the concept right away!

This is why scores of cyclists around the world are now biting on new technology developed by New Age Performance Inc. The performance mouthpieces work and they actually free the body of neck pain, even back pain too.

If you want to be road-ready on your next adventure or big race across the city or countryside, then get your hands on new performance mouthware technology that will make you a winner.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Do performance mouthguards really work?

By Mark Ashton 

There are standard mouthguards and there are performance mouthguards on the market and athletes around the world these days are noticing the big difference between the two in a huge way.

Let’s keep in mind that the traditional mouthguard has been around for a very long time. The first-ever was developed in 1890 by Dr. Woolf Krause, a London-based dentist. He called his invention “Gum Shield” and it was made from a material called Gutta Percha.

He designed the device for boxers to prevent them from getting lip lacerations, which was a common injury during this time.

Over the years mouthguards have come a long way in development and many have been effective in protecting an athlete’s teeth during contact sports. Even dentists have designed them with the width of the material to help an athlete properly take the impact of a significant blow on the ice, field or court, and in the ring.

But what is interesting is that no one has ever questioned the effects a mouthguard would have on an athlete’s performance. The focus with mouthguards and its development over the years has centered exclusively on protection.

This is troubling to say the least!

Here is why….

What many are now realizing now is that traditional mouthguards are playing a big role in actually diminishing an athlete’s performance.

Take Steph Curry of the Golden State Warriors as a case in point. Why does the NBA star take out his mouthguard during a foul shot?

Then there is Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh Penguins. Why does this hockey superstar take out his mouthguard when he heads for the bench? Why does he not wear his mothguard during a penalty shot?

Boxers too are now expressing concern that they are having difficulty breathing when wearing run-of-the-mill mouthguards in the ring.

The answer to all this is simple: professional athletes are all in tune with their bodies, and they know what works, what doesn’t, and what makes them comfortable.

The fact of the matter is that regular mouthguards decrease your performance in sport – this is scientifically proven!

So, why are athletes working harder when they should be working smarter? The real reason is that their trainers and coaches are not fully educated with the current products that are sold at box-stores and sport-stores.

Traditional mouthguards simply do not contribute to performance as they are only focused on protection and not the “bite.”

The “bite” is the missing link that adds the dimension of performance to the mouthguard.

Once you have the right “bite,” the body immediately aligns, allowing you to have improved balance, strength, range of motion, and flexibility.

Would you buy a pair of sneakers that only protect your feet, but have no sole or grip? Probably not as you would be constantly slipping and sliding. That’s right, a pair of sneakers like this would cost you less than five-dollars, just like a box-store mouthguard that only costs you a couple of bucks!

New Age Performance Inc. is a well-known mouthware company that is disrupting the market with their products that actually place the grip on your “bite.” Their performance products not only protect your teeth, but they also give you increased performance, combined with comfort.

This is why athletes are now throwing away their regular mouthguards in protest. You said it – regular mouthguards are simply not helping them win gold medals, or wining that game during a “clutch-play.” 

The pharmaceutical companies are just as guilty as today’s tradition mouthguard companies are: they like to keep you in the dark about other drugs that could be better. And, the regular mouthguard industry does the same since they too are keeping you in the dark about their dirty little secret.

If you don’t want performance and just protection, then continue using the cheap-flashy-shelve-products. If you want the best of both worlds with performance and protection, then try out the technology that New Age Performance offers, and join the thousands of athletes that are improving their game.

For a few dollars more, your body and teeth will notice a huge difference. Go big and win!

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The World’s Strongest Man Reveals His Secret Weapon: New Mouthware Technology

A popular mouthware company constantly faces criticism from cynics.

Some athletes claim that the mouthguards and mouthpieces New Age Performance Inc. offers are snake oil, even an outright hoax.

However, the naysayers have finally been silenced.

Here is a case in point.

A few years ago, New Age Performance Inc. had an athlete order one of their products online. That person was Brian Shaw, a four-time winner of the World’s Strongest Man competitions (2011, 2013, 2015, and 2016). He is also the first man ever to win the Arnold Strongman Classic contest.

Shaw is a tough athlete and he religiously uses New Age’s mouthware technology in the gym and while lifting tires and iron in front of massive crowds and judges.

When discovering that he was using the new mouthware technology, the team at New Age quickly jumped on a call asked him what he thought of their product.

His response: “I absolutely love it… It prevents my teeth from fracturing and I feel the difference in my performance.”

Here is a man who is a world champion, and who will try anything reasonable in order to win big. He knows the device is not a drug and it doesn’t have any side effects; it is just a mouthpiece to protect his teeth.

He told the New Age team that he had nothing to lose when ordering the technology. He also realized later that it also contributed to his performance in a big way. And, he never listened to ill-informed opinions.

The rest is history.

We all know that most companies will seek out endorsers for their products, even give them away for free. But this is a story of Shaw, an athlete who bought a product on his own and has experienced amazing results first-hand.

Shaw has simply discovered the benefits of science and sport blended together, as New Age’s products are all backed by nearly 50 years of scientific research.

He was wearing his teeth down at a very fast rate, and New Age’s mouthpiece prevented wear and tear, and also replaced the amount of enamel he lost from previous years. The mouthpiece also put his lower jaw in a very comfortable position and automatically re-aligned his bite. This positive shift in his body actually caused it to stay in alignment, and therefore allowed him to lift without compensating any other muscles.

Shaw is a legend, an icon, and a fierce competitor. If you want to train and win like him, then you will want to try out the new technology that’s being offered by New Age Performance Inc. Their products, like the 6DS mouthpiece, will have you lifting more in no time and your teeth will thank you for it.