Friday, September 13, 2019

A Fitness Accessory You Never Knew You Needed

By Sean Mitchell 
Gyms and fitness studios across North America, and even around the world for that matter, are now equipped with the latest equipment that promises to keep you in shape.  However, what’s interesting these days is the growing number of fitness enthusiasts who are sporting mouthpiece technology during their workouts.
This is certainly a new trend – just ask any seasoned veteran who rides the treadmill, pumps iron, or practices the seated-forward-bend during yoga class.
That’s right, the mouthpiece tech which was rather unheard of at local gyms and fitness studios, is now the buzzword, thanks to New Age Performance Mouthware. They are the leading company that offers cutting-edge mouthpieces that work for everybody – right from the pro-athletes to fitness amateurs.
No, this mouthpiece tech has nothing do with the cheaply made boil-and-bite-guards sold at sporting-goods stores. Traditional mouthguards only offer protection for contact sports, while New Age Performance mouthware tech gives you the right “bite,” helping improve your overall athletic performance. Even better, there is also new mouthware tech for the upper teeth and they offer both protection and better performance.
Scientific research over the years proves that having the right bite, or proper jaw alignment, has positive benefits on the body, and helps improve one’s strength, balance, flexibility, range of motion, and oxygen flow.
Once you pop in a mouthpiece during your next workout, you will notice a huge difference right away. From the moment you bite down, you will feel an instant surge of energy and will be able to perform exercise routines better and for longer periods of time.
Keep in mind that traditional mouthguards don’t even come close to helping your workout. Regular guards were designed for two main purposes only: to protect the teeth, and to help reduce neurological injury (they act as a shock absorber between the upper and lower jaws). In fact, it is now widely known that run-of-the-mill mouthguards actually diminish an athlete’s performance. They do not stabilize your bite, and your lower jaw becomes unstable, and this actually makes the body more tired and prone to common injuries.
Many scientific studies over the last-half-century demonstrate the benefits of proper jaw alignment. This tech, according to several notable academic institutions, helps athletes jump higher, run faster, and it will even help your next big drive off the tee at the golf course. Yes, the benefits of this technology extends to nearly all type of physical activity.
If you are looking for the best in bite stabilization, then you should really try New Age’s mouthware technology.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

New Age Performance Launches SuperHero Mouthpieces In Collaboration With Comic Giant MARVEL

By Phillip Giles

Performance mouthpiece manufacturing pioneer New Age Performance, in collaboration with comic giant MARVEL, recently launched a limited-edition collection of SuperHero mouthpieces. The epic tie-up that offers The Punisher, Hulk, Ironman, Captain America, Deadpool, and Spiderman mouthpieces is already a sales success with a huge number of orders pouring in. With MARVEL in its court, New Age Performance mouthware has cemented its image of being an authentic brand that walks-the-talk and is here to stay.

Mouthpiece tech is rapidly picking up pace in the fitness industry simply because of the host of benefits it offers. It helps align your jaw, placing it in its optimal position which allows you to generate the ‘right bite’. With the right bite, your body performs much better, giving you that extra-edge in terms of improved strength, balance, flexibility, range of motion and oxygen flow during workouts.
Exhaustive research has proven that using mouthpieces correctly, you can run faster, jump higher and lift more weight and perform much better during your preferred workouts. The benefits of the mouthpieces extend to every type of physical training. Even yoga fanatics are biting on this technology as it helps in a big way on the balance and flexibility fronts. The popularity of this product is rapidly growing as more and more fitness enthusiasts and sport-specific athletes are using it because it really delivers on its promises.
Traditional mouthguards make the jaw more unstable which further causes fatigue that eventually leads to diminishing performance. On the other hand, New Age Performance mouthpieces offer the right technology that helps produce better balance, more force, and sits absolutely in harmony with the structure of the jaw. 
With the MARVEL heroes printed on the mouthpieces, they now pack together uber-style with ultimate performance. This is something you don’t want to miss out on!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

How the right “bite” can enhance your athletic performance

By Phillip Giles
Just ask any athlete utilizing new mouthpiece technology and they will tell you one thing: having the right “bite” will definitely give your athletic performance that extra boost it needs.
Athletes are always on the hunt to find new products – sports apparel and new shoes – that will help them perform better in their sport of choice, or while exercising at the gym. However, cutting-edge mouthpieces are now quickly being ushered into the sports world, and this tech is getting plenty of positive reception among professional and amateur athletes, and even fitness fanatics.  
Mouthpiece technology is a unique concept – one that is now being embraced by scores of athletes, simply because it is effective and works.
This new tech developed by New Age Performance Mouthware is totally sound as it gives an athlete the correct bite. That’s right, it is scientifically proven that when your jaw is properly aligned, your strength, balance, flexibility, range of motion, and oxygen flow are all greatly improved.
Mouthpiece technology relaxes the jaw and this puts the body in better form. Better oxygen flow is also beneficial for your muscles and overall body, and a more relaxed jaw helps prevent teeth clenching. So this new tech reduces stress on the body, which helps on the performance front instantly.
Once you pop this tech on your lower teeth, your body will get a jolt of energy it hasn’t had in a long, long time. Athletes contend that New Age Performance Mouthware devices give them that faster force-power which greatly helps at the gym, fitness studio, or on the ice, field, and court, and even in the ring.
There is also new mouthguard technology for the upper teeth and these devices are now being used by scores of athletes in contact sports. They offer both protection and better performance.
The long list of benefits with having a proper bite is backed by nearly 50 years of scientific research involving lower jaw movement and body alignment.
Ground-breaking studies conducted with athletes using mouthware technology prove that they experience better performance with upper-body power loaded exercises, and they are even able to jump higher and run faster. Recent studies also show that golfers using these devices have both better club speeds and driving distances off the tee.
So, mouthpiece technology stabilizes one’s bite, therefore enhancing body alignment and overall performance. And never be fooled – you won’t get these results with traditional store-bought mouthguards. These run-of-the-mill guards only offer protection and don’t’ do anything at all for your overall performance. If anything, regular mouthguards confuse the jaw and actually place it out of position, causing more stress on the body, while diminishing athletic ability.
If you haven’t tried new mouthpiece technology, then you really should. Many athletes are calling it a natural performance enhancer that helps in so many ways.
You won’t be a Marvel comic hero once you utilize new mouthpiece tech, but you will enjoy a big improvement in performance, and this is exactly what you need during game-time and while working out at the local gym.