Sunday, April 7, 2019

The World’s Strongest Man Reveals His Secret Weapon: New Mouthware Technology

A popular mouthware company constantly faces criticism from cynics.

Some athletes claim that the mouthguards and mouthpieces New Age Performance Inc. offers are snake oil, even an outright hoax.

However, the naysayers have finally been silenced.

Here is a case in point.

A few years ago, New Age Performance Inc. had an athlete order one of their products online. That person was Brian Shaw, a four-time winner of the World’s Strongest Man competitions (2011, 2013, 2015, and 2016). He is also the first man ever to win the Arnold Strongman Classic contest.

Shaw is a tough athlete and he religiously uses New Age’s mouthware technology in the gym and while lifting tires and iron in front of massive crowds and judges.

When discovering that he was using the new mouthware technology, the team at New Age quickly jumped on a call asked him what he thought of their product.

His response: “I absolutely love it… It prevents my teeth from fracturing and I feel the difference in my performance.”

Here is a man who is a world champion, and who will try anything reasonable in order to win big. He knows the device is not a drug and it doesn’t have any side effects; it is just a mouthpiece to protect his teeth.

He told the New Age team that he had nothing to lose when ordering the technology. He also realized later that it also contributed to his performance in a big way. And, he never listened to ill-informed opinions.

The rest is history.

We all know that most companies will seek out endorsers for their products, even give them away for free. But this is a story of Shaw, an athlete who bought a product on his own and has experienced amazing results first-hand.

Shaw has simply discovered the benefits of science and sport blended together, as New Age’s products are all backed by nearly 50 years of scientific research.

He was wearing his teeth down at a very fast rate, and New Age’s mouthpiece prevented wear and tear, and also replaced the amount of enamel he lost from previous years. The mouthpiece also put his lower jaw in a very comfortable position and automatically re-aligned his bite. This positive shift in his body actually caused it to stay in alignment, and therefore allowed him to lift without compensating any other muscles.

Shaw is a legend, an icon, and a fierce competitor. If you want to train and win like him, then you will want to try out the new technology that’s being offered by New Age Performance Inc. Their products, like the 6DS mouthpiece, will have you lifting more in no time and your teeth will thank you for it.

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