Wednesday, July 17, 2019


By Karen Fitzgerald 
The hot temps have kicked in and this is the time of year where many of us are more active outdoors and at the gym.
It’s doesn’t matter what your sport of choice is during the summer months – tennis, basketball, cycling, jogging, walking, swimming, and soccer, or lifting iron – getting exercise is fantastic for your health.
It is proven that exercise is great for your muscles and bones, helps with weight loss, and will increase your energy levels. As well, exercise also makes you feel happier, and reduces the risk of chronic disease.
For those of you who have that competitive edge, then you also know how important it is to win and achieve greatness. The good news for the “die-hards” is that there is new technology on the market that will take your game to a whole new level.
Meet mouthware technology – a new concept in the sports world that will help any athlete perform better on the court, baseball diamond, and while doing laps in the pool, or peddling up steep hills. This new tech is also ideal for those who want to stay on the field longer and score more points, or walk longer distances, or lift more weights at the local gym.
Mouthware technology is truly amazing as it protects the teeth and stabilizes one’s bite, according to athletes who are utilizing these new innovative devices.
Keep in mind that mouthware technology offers a far more unique and beneficial experience than the traditional mouthguards sold at sporting-goods stores.
So, what’s the difference between the two?
Well, it is all very simple: run-of-the-mill-mouthguards only protect your teeth, while mouthware devices actually align your jaw and provide protection. It is proven that when your jaw is aligned, your strength, balance, flexibility, range of motion and even oxygen flow is all greatly improved.
What most people don’t understand with traditional mouthguards is they actually will cause damage to your body. Since they do not not stabilize your bite properly, your lower jaw instantly becomes unstable and this actually wreaks havoc on your body, and has long term consequences on your health.
What’s really amazing with mouthware technology is that it gives you the correct bite, and according to science that stabilization enhances body alignment, and reduces injuries and post-op-soreness.
Scores of athletes are now “biting” on new mouthware technology being offered by New Age Performance Inc., and they are hailing their mouthguards and mouthpieces as the best on the market.
New Age’s devices give an athlete the best in bite stabilization, which in turn relaxes the jaw and saves one from losing teeth or having them badly damaged. Also, since most athletes have TMJ issues, this technology is perfect as better jaw alignment means better performance!
What’s also really awesome with this new technology is that it actually tricks the body in to thinking it has the right bite, and will give anyone that extra-boost of energy they need.
So, all you need to do is purchase mouthware technology, and place it over your teeth, and in a matter of seconds you will feel almost like a young athlete all over again.
If you want protection only, then keep using traditional mouthguards. But if you want better protection and improved performance, and are in-it-to-win-it, then pop in mouthware technology and take your game to a whole new level.
You will notice a big difference when using mouthware technology… and so will your competition.

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